An Author's journey doesn't stop with “The End.” Even after hitting that last “submit to publish” button. Most self-published authors continue to doubt their efforts in, on, and for the book. We send them out into the world like innocent children looking for love, acceptance, and fortune.
Unless the book goes viral, several updates or corrections are needed. One of the biggest changes is updating the covers. Everyone judges a book by the cover, even though the philosophical warning is not to...everyone does.
I found myself in the position where an honest evaluation of my book covers was required. I determined, with help from industry experts that, though the current covers are super cool, they were confusing to the genre. Like many self-published/indie authors, I was faced with a choice. This was my clue that a complete remake of my covers for my Kingdom of Jior series, was necessary.
I now have new designs for the covers and boy are they gorgeous! I went all out, contacting an artist and working with him to create spectacular new designs. Together we gave the Kingdom of Jior epic fantasy romance series a new look. Now these new covers scream fantasy romance! The covers are much more on character and specific to genre and should garner the attention these five books deserve. Email me and let me know what you think!