Greetings from the Green Chair! Hello, I’m Wendy L. Anderson and this is the first blog on my new website! In future blogs I will be talking about my books #OfDemonKind and #RedemptionoftheFallen, my characters and my writing. Maybe I will talk about a lot more things, but that is the main theme of this blog. I’ll also answer any questions you may have. Go to the contacts page on my website and email me! I’d love to hear from you! First, you may wonder what “Greetings from the Green Chair” means? Well, the green chair is the place I do almost all my writing. It resides in my bedroom next to my large window. I constantly gaze out the window at the mountains, trees, weather, and a beautiful Colorado view. This green chair is my place of refuge and serves as a conduit to my inspiration. It is also where I gain peace of mind and relax after a long, long day. I have to confess that I am new to blogging, so I hope you will lend me your patience while I learn and get used to this. My promise to you, dear Reader, is that I will not discuss politics, social subjects, television shows or top news stories. Believe me, I know we all get enough of that, so I hope this blog proves as an escape for you into something different. Now, I should warn you I’m not a comedian and witty banter is not my strong suit. Although, every once in a while, I get lucky and can say something funny. My hope is that you are entertained by learning more about me as a writer and more about my characters and stories. Please feel free to give me constructive feedback to help me improve. I’d hoped to make this short for the first time so I will end for now. My next blog will be about my first book Of Demon Kind. I will give you some insights on my inspiration for the story, how the story progressed and became a book, and about the characters. You can find it on
Until next time I wish you a good night and come back and visit me in my green chair soon.